Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
Yeah, here comes the problem that always causes overflow. I used a long variable at first, but it couldn't solve the problem. In the end, I choose to use an array.public String multiply(String num1, String num2) { if (num1 == null || num2 == null) return null; if (num1.length() == 0 || num2.length() == 0) return "0"; while (num1.length() > 0 && num1.charAt(0) == '0') { num1 = num1.substring(1); } if (num1.length() == 0) return "0"; while (num2.length() > 0 && num2.charAt(0) == '0') { num2 = num2.substring(1); } if (num2.length() == 0) return "0"; int l1 = num1.length(); int l2 = num2.length(); int[] num3 = new int[l1 + l2]; for (int i = num2.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int p2 = Character.getNumericValue(num2.charAt(i)); int carry = 0; for (int j = num1.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { int p1 = Character.getNumericValue(num1.charAt(j)); int product = (p1 * p2 + carry + num3[i + j + 1]); carry = product / 10; num3[i + j + 1] = product % 10; } if (carry > 0) { num3[i] = carry; } } String rst = ""; for (int n : num3) { rst += String.valueOf(n); } while (rst.charAt(0) == '0') { rst = rst.substring(1); } return rst; }
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