Sunday, October 18, 2015

Scala note 7: Water pouring problem

The problem is described in the following video:

It is solved using BFS approach.

class Pouring (capacity: Vector[Int]){
  // States: for each glass (Glass) how much water is in
  //size of state is number of glasses, value represents the volume
  //of the water in that glass
  type State = Vector[Int]
  val initialState = capacity map(x => 0)
  trait Move {
    //take a state and return a new state
    def change(state: State): State
  //empty the glass
  case class Empty(glass: Int) extends Move {
    //updated: a copy of the list with one single replaced element
    def change(state: State) = state updated (glass, 0)
  //fill the glass from source
  case class Fill(glass:Int) extends Move {
    def change(state: State) = state updated(glass, capacity(glass))
  //pour from one glass to another
  case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move {
    def change(state: State) = {
      val amount = state(from) min (capacity(to) - state(to))
      state updated (from, state(from) - amount) updated(to, state(to) + amount)
  //all glasses
  val glasses = 0 until capacity.length
  // all possible moves
  val moves = 
     (for (g <- class="" data-blogger-escaped-case="" data-blogger-escaped-current="" data-blogger-escaped-def="" data-blogger-escaped-empty="" data-blogger-escaped-endstate:="" data-blogger-escaped-fill="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-from="" data-blogger-escaped-g="" data-blogger-escaped-glasses="" data-blogger-escaped-history:="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-list="" data-blogger-escaped-match="" data-blogger-escaped-moves="" data-blogger-escaped-nil="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-ove="" data-blogger-escaped-path="" data-blogger-escaped-paths:="" data-blogger-escaped-pour="" data-blogger-escaped-private="" data-blogger-escaped-sequence="" data-blogger-escaped-state="xs" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-trackstate="" data-blogger-escaped-val="" data-blogger-escaped-xs:="" data-blogger-escaped-yield=""> initialState
      case move :: xs1 => move change trackState(xs1)
    // extend another move
    //new endState: move that affects the old endState
    def extend(move: Move) = new Path(move :: history, move change endState)
    override def toString = (history.reverse mkString " ") + " -->" + endState
  val initialPath = new Path(Nil, initialState)
  //explored: the states that have been visited
  def from(paths: Set[Path], explored: Set[State]): Stream[Set[Path]] =
    if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty
    //generate all the possible new paths
    else {
      val more = for {
        path <- paths
        //next path by extending current path
        //for all possible moves
        next <- moves map path.extend
        if !(explored contains next.endState)
    } yield next
    paths #:: from(more, explored ++(more map(_.endState)))

   //all possible paths
   //the first element gives the initial path set
   //the set of all possible paths at length 1
   val pathSets = from(Set(initialPath), Set(initialState))

  //the volume we want to see in one of glasses
  def solutions(target: Int): Stream[Path] =
    for {
      pathSet <- pathSets
      path <- pathSet
      if path.endState contains target
    } yield path

Code on git.

[1] Coursera.

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