Saturday, October 10, 2015

Scala note 5: Sentence Anagrams

Finally I made it work! It takes much longer than I thought and I am too exhausted to explain everything. The original problem set can be found here.

My friend said overall the class is easy. Not to me. 

package forcomp

import common._

object Anagrams {

  /** A word is simply a `String`. */
  type Word = String

  /** A sentence is a `List` of words. */
  type Sentence = List[Word]

  /** `Occurrences` is a `List` of pairs of characters and positive integers saying
   *  how often the character appears.
   *  This list is sorted alphabetically w.r.t. to the character in each pair.
   *  All characters in the occurrence list are lowercase.
   *  Any list of pairs of lowercase characters and their frequency which is not sorted
   *  is **not** an occurrence list.
   *  Note: If the frequency of some character is zero, then that character should not be
   *  in the list.
  type Occurrences = List[(Char, Int)]

  /** The dictionary is simply a sequence of words.
   *  It is predefined and obtained as a sequence using the utility method `loadDictionary`.
  val dictionary: List[Word] = loadDictionary

  /** Converts the word into its character occurence list.
   *  Note: the uppercase and lowercase version of the character are treated as the
   *  same character, and are represented as a lowercase character in the occurrence list.
  def wordOccurrences(w: Word): Occurrences = 
    w.toLowerCase.groupBy(c => c).mapValues(c => c.length).toList.sorted
    //w.toLowerCase.groupBy(c => c) => (c._1, c._2.length)).sorted

  /** Converts a sentence into its character occurrence list. */
  def sentenceOccurrences(s: Sentence): Occurrences = 
    wordOccurrences((s foldLeft "")(_+_))

  /** The `dictionaryByOccurrences` is a `Map` from different occurrences to a sequence of all
   *  the words that have that occurrence count.
   *  This map serves as an easy way to obtain all the anagrams of a word given its occurrence list.
   *  For example, the word "eat" has the following character occurrence list:
   *     `List(('a', 1), ('e', 1), ('t', 1))`
   *  Incidentally, so do the words "ate" and "tea".
   *  This means that the `dictionaryByOccurrences` map will contain an entry:
   *    List(('a', 1), ('e', 1), ('t', 1)) -> Seq("ate", "eat", "tea")
  lazy val dictionaryByOccurrences: Map[Occurrences, List[Word]] = 
    dictionary.groupBy(word => wordOccurrences(word))

  /** Returns all the anagrams of a given word. */
  def wordAnagrams(word: Word): List[Word] = 

  /** Returns the list of all subsets of the occurrence list.
   *  This includes the occurrence itself, i.e. `List(('k', 1), ('o', 1))`
   *  is a subset of `List(('k', 1), ('o', 1))`.
   *  It also include the empty subset `List()`.
   *  Example: the subsets of the occurrence list `List(('a', 2), ('b', 2))` are:
   *    List(
   *      List(),
   *      List(('a', 1)),
   *      List(('a', 2)),
   *      List(('b', 1)),
   *      List(('a', 1), ('b', 1)),
   *      List(('a', 2), ('b', 1)),
   *      List(('b', 2)),
   *      List(('a', 1), ('b', 2)),
   *      List(('a', 2), ('b', 2))
   *    )
   *  Note that the order of the occurrence list subsets does not matter -- the subsets
   *  in the example above could have been displayed in some other order.

  def combinations(occurrences: Occurrences): List[Occurrences] = {
    val ocs: List[Occurrences] = ( occ => (1 to occ._2).map( o => (occ._1, o) ).toList ))
    ocs.foldLeft(List[Occurrences](Nil))( (l1, l2) =>
      l1 ::: (for (elem1 <- data-blogger-escaped---="" data-blogger-escaped--="" data-blogger-escaped-1="" data-blogger-escaped-3="" data-blogger-escaped-:::="" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-an="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-any="" data-blogger-escaped-appear="" data-blogger-escaped-appearing="" data-blogger-escaped-be="" data-blogger-escaped-cannot="" data-blogger-escaped-character="" data-blogger-escaped-diff="" data-blogger-escaped-elem1="" data-blogger-escaped-elem2="" data-blogger-escaped-equal="" data-blogger-escaped-frequency="" data-blogger-escaped-from="" data-blogger-escaped-has="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-its="" data-blogger-escaped-l1="" data-blogger-escaped-l2="" data-blogger-escaped-list="" data-blogger-escaped-meaning="" data-blogger-escaped-must="" data-blogger-escaped-no="" data-blogger-escaped-note:="" data-blogger-escaped-occurrence="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-precondition="" data-blogger-escaped-resulting="" data-blogger-escaped-smaller="" data-blogger-escaped-sorted="" data-blogger-escaped-subset="" data-blogger-escaped-subtract="" data-blogger-escaped-subtracts="" data-blogger-escaped-than="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-use="" data-blogger-escaped-value="" data-blogger-escaped-x="" data-blogger-escaped-y="" data-blogger-escaped-yield="" data-blogger-escaped-zero-entries.=""> List(('a', 2))
  //x diff y => List(('a', 3))
 def subtract(x: Occurrences, y: Occurrences): Occurrences = 
    (x /: y)((newx, elemy) => 
      (for (elemx <- data-blogger-escaped--="" data-blogger-escaped-elemx._1="" data-blogger-escaped-elemx._2="" data-blogger-escaped-elemx="" data-blogger-escaped-elemy._1="" data-blogger-escaped-elemy._2="" data-blogger-escaped-else="" data-blogger-escaped-filter="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-newx="" data-blogger-escaped-yield=""> 0).sorted
  /** Returns a list of all anagram sentences of the given sentence.
   *  An anagram of a sentence is formed by taking the occurrences of all the characters of
   *  all the words in the sentence, and producing all possible combinations of words with those characters,
   *  such that the words have to be from the dictionary.
   *  The number of words in the sentence and its anagrams does not have to correspond.
   *  For example, the sentence `List("I", "love", "you")` is an anagram of the sentence `List("You", "olive")`.
   *  Also, two sentences with the same words but in a different order are considered two different anagrams.
   *  For example, sentences `List("You", "olive")` and `List("olive", "you")` are different anagrams of
   *  `List("I", "love", "you")`.
   *  Here is a full example of a sentence `List("Yes", "man")` and its anagrams for our dictionary:
   *    List(
   *      List(en, as, my),
   *      List(en, my, as),
   *      List(man, yes),
   *      List(men, say),
   *      List(as, en, my),
   *      List(as, my, en),
   *      List(sane, my),
   *      List(Sean, my),
   *      List(my, en, as),
   *      List(my, as, en),
   *      List(my, sane),
   *      List(my, Sean),
   *      List(say, men),
   *      List(yes, man)
   *    )
   *  The different sentences do not have to be output in the order shown above - any order is fine as long as
   *  all the anagrams are there. Every returned word has to exist in the dictionary.
   *  Note: in case that the words of the sentence are in the dictionary, then the sentence is the anagram of itself,
   *  so it has to be returned in this list.
   *  Note: There is only one anagram of an empty sentence.
  def sentenceAnagrams(sentence: Sentence): List[Sentence] = 

   def sentenceAnagramsHelper(occurrences: Occurrences): List[Sentence] =  occurrences match {
    case Nil => List(Nil)
    case occurrences => {
      val combs = combinations(occurrences)
      //Set(elem) return a boolean value true if elem exists and false if doesn't
      for {i <- combs if dictionarybyoccurrences.keyset (i)
           j <- dictionarybyoccurrences (i) 
           s <- sentenceanagramshelper (subtract (occurrences, i)))
           } yield (j :: s)

Code is also on git.

References (and special thanks):
[1]. Codatlas;
[2]. chancila (gitHub).

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