Thursday, September 10, 2015

B-Tree Java implementation

Two days of coding. One afternoon to build a tree, three nights to destroy the tree in different ways, I finally make the code.

Sort of...

The code works for M >= 4, where M is the number of maximum key-value pairs in one node (In fact, this number can never be reached because the node will be split into two once this number is reached.

For rules on how B-Tree works, refer to this post. I may update this blog when I fix the deletion issue with M = 3 (probably rewrite the code to make it cleaner). Moreover, it turns out Cassandra has a B-Tree implementation. It's a little bit to complicated for me (plus I couldn't find its deletion implementation), but it's interesting to take a look. Check here.

package bTree;

 * M: maximum degree/number of key-value pairs in a node
 * HT:height of the B-tree
 * N: number of key-value pairs in the tree
 * @author shirleyyoung
 * @param 
 * @param 
public class BTree <Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value>{
	private int M;
	private Node root;
	private int HT;
	private int N;
	 * The structure to store the key-value pairs
	 * @author shirleyyoung
	private class Entry <Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> implements Comparable{
		private Comparable key;
		private Object value;
		public Entry(Comparable key, Object value){
			this.key = key;
			this.value = value;
		public int compareTo(Entry e) {
			return key.compareTo(e.key);
		public String toString(){
			return "(" + key.toString() + ", " + value.toString() + ")";
	 * tree node class
	 * Each node is a list of Entry objects
	 * Entry list is used for all key - value pairs stored in the node
	 * index: the current number of key-value pairs,
	 * as well as the index where next key-value pair will be added
	 * since it's 0 index, the node contains m + 1 key - value pairs
	 * entryList: the entryList
	 * children: children list of the node, each node may have at most
	 * M + 1 children
	 * @author shirleyyoung
	private class Node  indexToAdd; i--)
				entryList[i] = entryList[i - 1];
			entryList[indexToAdd] = e;
		public String toString(){
			String s = "";
			for (int i = 0; i < index; i++){
				s += entryList[i].toString() + ", ";
			s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2);
			s += String.format("\nindex: %d\n", index);
			return s;

	 * constructor
	 * @param M
	public BTree(){
		M = 4;
		HT = 0;
		N = 0;
		root = new Node();
	public BTree(int M){
		this.M = M;
		root = new Node();
	 * search for a value given the key
	 * @param key
	 * @return
	public Object get(Comparable key){
		Entry found = search(root, key, HT);
		if (found == null){
			System.out.println("No such key!");
			return null;
		else return found.value;
	private Entry search(Node x, Comparable key, int ht){
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		Entry[] entryList = x.entryList;
		if(ht == 0){//leaf node
			for(int j = 0; j < x.index; j++){
					return entryList[j];
		} else{
			for(int j = 0; j < x.index; j++){
				if (key.equals(entryList[j].key))
					return entryList[j];
				else if(j == 0 && key.compareTo(entryList[j].key) < 0)
					return search(x.children[j], key, ht - 1);
				else if(j == x.index - 1|| key.compareTo(entryList[j + 1].key) < 0)
					return search(x.children[j + 1], key, ht - 1);
		return null;
	 * Insertion
	 * @param key
	 * @param value
	public void insert(Comparable key, Object value){
		Entry exists = search(root, key, HT);
		if(exists != null){
			exists.value = value;
			System.out.println("Key already exists, modify the value to the input value.");
		Node newRoot = insert(root, key, value, HT);
		if(newRoot == null) return;
		root = newRoot;
	private Node insert(Node curr, Comparable key, Object value, int ht){
		int indexToInsert;
		if(ht == 0){//leaf nodes level
			//find the correct place to insert the value			
			for(indexToInsert = 0; indexToInsert < curr.index; indexToInsert++){
				if(key.compareTo(curr.entryList[indexToInsert].key) < 0) break;
			//shift the larger nodes right
			curr.add(new Entry(key, value), indexToInsert);
			//the key value pair is added to the existing node, no new node is inserted, return null
			if(curr.index < M) return null;
			return split(curr);
		}else {
			for(indexToInsert = 0; indexToInsert < curr.index; indexToInsert++){
				if (indexToInsert == 0 && key.compareTo(curr.entryList[indexToInsert].key) < 0) break;			
				else if((indexToInsert == curr.index - 1) || key.compareTo(curr.entryList[indexToInsert + 1].key) < 0){
					//children[j].next, j++
					indexToInsert += 1;
			Node u = insert(curr.children[indexToInsert], key, value, ht - 1);
			if(u == null) return null;
			return combine(curr, u);
	 * split the node if it reaches maximum degree
	 * choose middle node as the new root 
	 * e.g., if M = 4 or 5, choose entryList[2] as new root
	 * @param curr
	 * @return
	private Node split(Node curr){
		Node newRoot = new Node();
		newRoot.entryList[0] = curr.entryList[M/2];
		Node right = new Node();
		int j = 0, i = M/2 + 1;
		while(j < M && i < M){
			right.entryList[j] = curr.entryList[i];
			right.children[j++] = curr.children[i++];
		right.children[j] = curr.children[i];
		right.index = j;
		curr.index = M/2;
		newRoot.children[0] = curr;
		newRoot.children[1] = right;
		return newRoot;
	 * combine two nodes when total elements 
	 * are less than M
	 * split the node if the entry list of the 
	 * combined node reaches M
	 * @param left
	 * @param right
	 * @return
	private Node combine(Node left, Node right){
		int j = 0;
		int total = left.index + right.index;
		while (left.index < total){
			left.entryList[left.index] = right.entryList[j];
			left.children[left.index++] = right.children[j++];
		left.children[left.index] = right.children[j];
		right.children = null;
		right = null;
		if (left.index < M) {return null;}
		else return split(left);
	 * Deletion
	 * @param key
	 * @return
	public Object delete(Comparable key){
		Entry toDelete = search(root, key, HT);
		if(toDelete == null) {
			System.out.println("No such key!");
			return null;
		return delete(root, key, HT).value;
	private Entry delete(Node n, Comparable key, int ht){
		int index = n.searchEntry(key);
		if(ht == 0){ // if leaf nodes
			if(n.entryList[index].key != key)
				return null;
				return n.removeEntry(index);
		}else {
			if (key.equals(n.entryList[index].key)){ //if key is in internal node n
				//if left children has a size larger than M/2
				//replace entry that has the key to be deleted in n with the largest 
				//entry in left children, then recursively delete children entry
				//System.out.println("found index: " + index);
				Entry toDelete = n.entryList[index];
				int h = ht - 1;
				if(n.children[index].index >= M/2){ 
					Node child = n.children[index];
					while (h != 0){
						child = child.children[child.index];
					n.entryList[index] = child.entryList[child.index - 1];
					delete(n.children[index], child.entryList[child.index - 1].key, ht - 1);
				//else if right children has a size larger than M/2
				//replace entry has the key to be deleted in n with the smallest
				//entry in right children, then recursively delete children entry
				} else if (n.children[index + 1].index >= M/2){
					Node child = n.children[index + 1];
					while(h != 0){
						child = child.children[0];
					n.entryList[index] = child.entryList[0];
					delete(child, child.entryList[0].key, h);
				//case 3 will take care of the case when node n has too few entries to be moved
				} else {
					n = moveEntryDown(n.children[index], n, index, n.children[index + 1]);
					if (ht == HT && root.index == 0){
						root = n;
					delete(n, key, ht);
				return toDelete;
			} else { // if key is not in internal node n
				//find the root of the subtree where the desired key is 
				//supposed to present
				//System.out.println("index: " + index);
				//System.out.println("children[index] has index: " + n.children[index].index);
				//Node child = n.children[index];
				//System.out.println("Largest children key: " + child.entryList[child.index - 1].key);
				if(index == (n.index - 1) && key.compareTo(n.entryList[n.index - 1].key) > 0){
					//child = n.children[index + 1];
					index += 1;
				//if key is in the children
				boolean chk = key == n.children[index].entryList[n.children[index].searchEntry(key)].key;
				if (n.children[index].index < M/2 && chk){
					//case 3a, left sibling has size at least M/2
					//remove the last entry from the left sibling, put into n[index - 1]
					//add n[index - 1] to the n.children[index]
					if(index > 0 && n.children[index - 1].index >= M/2){
						Node helper = n.children[index - 1];
						n.children[index].add(n.entryList[index - 1], 0);
						n.entryList[index - 1] = helper.entryList[helper.index - 1];
						helper.removeEntry(helper.index - 1);
					//case 3a, right sibling has size at least M/2
					} else if (index < n.index && n.children[index + 1].index >= M/2){
						Node helper = n.children[index + 1];
						n.children[index].add(n.entryList[index], n.children[index].index);
						n.entryList[index] = helper.entryList[0];
					//case 3b, merge two nodes
					} else {
						Node mergeChild = n.children[index];
						if(index == n.index)
							n = moveEntryDown(n.children[index - 1], n, index - 1, mergeChild);
						else n = moveEntryDown(mergeChild, n, index, n.children[index + 1]);
						if (ht == HT && root.index == 0){
							root = n;
						return delete(n, key, ht);
				if (index == n.index - 1 && key.compareTo(n.entryList[index].key) > 0)
					return delete(n.children[index + 1], key, ht - 1);
				else return delete(n.children[index], key, ht - 1);
	 * combine left and right children and move the entry (parent[index]) down
	 * to serve as median node
	 * only be called when both left and right has size < M/2
	 * and parent has size >= M/2
	 * @param left
	 * @param parent
	 * @param index
	 * @param right
	private Node moveEntryDown(Node left, Node parent, int index, Node right){
		left.add(parent.entryList[index], left.index);
		combine(left, right);
		if (parent.index == 0) 
			parent = left;
		else parent.children[index] = left;
		return parent;
	public String toString(){
		return toString(root, HT) + "\n";
	private String toString(Node n, int ht){
		String s = "";
		if(ht == 0){
			for(int i = 0; i < n.index; i++)
				s += i + ": " + n.entryList[i].toString() +  "\n";
		} else{
			for(int i = 0; i < n.index; i++){
				s += i + ": " + n.entryList[i].toString() + "\nChildren " + i + ": \n";
				s += toString(n.children[i], ht - 1) + "\n";
			s += toString(n.children[n.index], ht - 1);
		return s;
	public int size(){
		return N;
	public int height(){
		return HT + 1;

Check my git for test code.


  1. Hi Shirley, how have you been? I hope everything is alright. So, I couldn't understand the tree print, please, could you explain? Your code is clearer than Cassandra's code. Best regards and congratulations =)


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