Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Installing MySQL on Mac: guide for dummies

This tutorial provides instructions to install mysql using Mac mini vault's Mac - script. For dummies and newbies like me, it is extremely convenient.

Before you start, please read the README file provided by MMV.

1. Copy the following command:

bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/eUx7rg)

This command will automatically MySQL and install it. It will ask if you want to load MySQL on boot. Since I am installing in it on my laptop, I didn't choose that.

2. After MySQL is installed, close the terminal and reopen it again. Now you are able to operate MySQL on terminal.

3. Log in
If you are using your computer as the host, enter the following command:

mysql -u root -p

Otherwise, use this command:

mysql -h host -u username -p

You probably will have to ask your admin for the hostname.
Enter the password in the file that is located on your Desktop with the name "MYSQL_PASSWORD". It was generated automatically when you were installing MySQL.
If you are successfully logged in, you should be able to see this:

If you get this error message: 
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

That usually means your MySQL server is not started. Go to step 5, start your server and try again.

4. Changing password 
MMV's Mac script will automatically generate a random password. Most of time it's hard to remember. If you want to change the password to a personalized one, after you log on to the server, do this: 


Put your personalized password within the ' ' unless you want to set 'SHIRLEY_IS_AWESOME' as your password. ;)

If you happen to forget your password, MMV has this command to help you reset the password.Don't forget to read the README file.

bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/9xqEnQ)

5. Start and Stop sql server (if it is your computer)
If you have selected to load MySQL on boot, then MySQL server will automatically start every time you start your computer. I don't use it very often, so I didn't select such option. Thus, I need to manually turn the server on.
Go to System Preferences:

Find MySQL: 

Open it, select Start MySQL Server:

Enter your admin password. If you see this green "running" signal, you are ready to go!

There are other more professional ways to start and stop the server, see here

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