Thursday, March 26, 2015

Snakes and Ladders

Design an optimized algorithm to solve snakes and ladders with the least amount of roles possible under the assumption that you get whatever role you want when you role the dice.
I didn't even know about the game at first. As usual, if the question asks about "minimum" something, there is highly chance that it is a DP.

Just to describe the game for short:

It is a common board game, where you roll the dice and proceed the amount you get;
If you hit the lower side of the ladder, you are lucky, you move up to the upper side of the ladder;
If you face a snake (upper side of the snake), congratulations, go back to the tail (lower side) of the snake;
If you are the first one to proceed to the destination, you win.

If you are so interested in playing the game, consult Wikipedia.

Ok, back to the problem. Create a 1D array of length n * n, which is the minimum roles needed to proceed to that spot. If index < 6, then as long as it's not the upper side of the snake, it takes minimum 1 step. If index > 6, then it takes minimum from index - 6 to index - 1 plus 1 step, assuming normal condition. If it is the upper side of the ladder, it equals the step needed to go to the lower side of the ladder. If it is the upper side of a snake, since every time you hit this square, you always have to return, it takes infinity to go to the destination.

I use a struct to store the information on the board. The board of the test case can be viewed as this:

import java.util.*;
public class SnakesNLadders {
 public static int roles(Struct[][] board){
  if(board == null || board.length == 0 || board[0].length == 0 || board.length != board[0].length)
   return 0;
  int n = board.length;
  int[] roles = new int[n * n];
  for(int i = 0; i < n * n; i++){
   int x = i / n;
   int y = (x % 2 != 0) ? (n - 1 - i % n) : i % n;
   if(i < 6){
    roles[i] = board[x][y].s.equals("SU") ? Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 : 1;
    roles[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for(int j = i - 6; j < i; j++)
     roles[i] = Math.min(roles[i], roles[j] + 1);
     //in case the lower end of the ladder is the upper end of the
     roles[i] = Math.min(ladder(board, x, y, roles),  roles[i]);
    else if(board[x][y].s.equals("SU"))
     roles[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;
  return roles[n * n - 1];
 private static int ladder(Struct[][] board, int x, int y, int[] roles){
  int n = board.length;
  int xc = board[x][y].x;
  return xc % 2 != 0 ? roles[xc * n + (n - 1 - board[x][y].y)]
     : roles[xc * n + board[x][y].y];
  * consists the string which represents the status of the square:
  * "SU": snake upper side
  * "SL": snake lower side
  * "LU": ladder upper side
  * "LL": ladder lower side
  * as well as the coordinates of its corresponding end
  * e.g., "SU", 1, 1 indicates the lower side of the snake is at x = 1, y = 1 
  * @author shirleyyoung
 private static class Struct{
  String s;
  //the coordinate of the corresponding square
  int x;
  int y;
  public Struct(String s, int x, int y){
   this.s = s;
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Struct[][] board = new Struct[4][4];
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
   //indicate nothing in the square
   Arrays.fill(board[i], new Struct("", -1, -1));
  board[0][1] = new Struct("SL", 1, 2);
  board[1][2] = new Struct("SU", 0, 1);
  board[0][3] = new Struct("LL", 2, 3);
  board[2][3] = new Struct("LU", 0, 3);
  board[1][1] = new Struct("SL", 3, 2);
  board[3][2] = new Struct("SU", 1, 1);
  board[1][0] = new Struct("LL", 2, 0);
  board[2][0] = new Struct("LU", 1, 0);

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