Monday, February 23, 2015

Number of pages in a book

A book contains with pages numbered from 1 - N. Imagine now that you concatenate all page numbers in the book such that you obtain a sequence of numbers which can be represented as a string.
You can compute number of occurrences 'k' of certain digit 'd' in this string.
For example, let N=12, d=1, hence
s = '123456789101112' => k=5
since digit '1' occur five times in that string.

Problem: Write a method that, given a digit 'd' and number of its occurrences 'k', returns a number of pages N. More precisely, return a lower and upper bound of this number N.
input: d=4, k=1;
output {4, 13} - the book has 4-14 pages
input d=4 k=0;
output {1, 3} - the book has 1-3 pages
 I don't consider my solution is the most efficient one, but it is reasonable, and at least, correct.

For every 100 pages, or more precisely, 0 - 99 (100 - 199, ...) pages, there exists 20 occurrences of any digit d, except for 0 for (0 - 99 pages), there are only 9,  because there is no 0 from 0 - 9 pages. So the first step is to calculate how many hundreds of pages in the book.

hundreds = k / 20;

Next, we want to know how many d's left in tens. This is done by mod k by 20;

tens = k % 20;

If tens = 6, then there are 6 ds in (0 - 99) pages, or (hundreds * 100, hundreds * 100 + 99) pages.

Now we have the tricky part. Let's take d = 7as an example.

If tens = 0, then it is easy, the range of the pages will include all d's in one hundred pages.

(hundreds - 1) * 100 + 90 + d, range[0] + 10 - 1)

Take 7 as an example, if k = 20, then the range is
(97, 106).
Note we need to decrement hundreds by 1 when tens = 0.

If tens != 0, we will have different cases. Note that we will have d of ds if  tens (the second digit in the page number) is less than d. Then we will have 11 ds from d * 10 to d * 10 + 9. Then we will have another 9 - d ds after that.
If d = 7, we will have 7 7s from 0 - 69, 11 7s from 70 - 79 and another 2 ds from 80 - 99. Thus we need to calculate ranges based on different situations.

If tens < d,

range[0] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 1) * 10 + d;
range[1] = range[0] + 10 - 1;

d = 7, k = 25 -> hundreds = 1, tens = 5
(147, 156)

If tens = d
we have to exclude d * 10 to d * 10 + d - 1

range[0] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 1) * 10 + d;
range[1] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 1) * 10 + 9;

d = 7, k = 27 ->  hundreds = 1, tens = 7
(167, 169)

Now if tens > d, let dInTens, which is the number of ds from ( d * 10,  d * 10 + 9) = tens - d

start from the easier one, if dInTens > 11, then the range must be from (d + 1) * 10 - 99, for d = 7, it is 80 - 99

range[0] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 11) * 10 + d;
range[1] = range[0] + 10 - 1;

d = 7, k = 39 -> hundreds = 1, tens = 19
range (187, 196)

if dInTens < 11, then we are in the range d * 10 to d * 10 + 8. In this situation, increment any page will increase k, thus the range is an exact number. Moreover, when the single digit equals to d, we will have 2 ds. 

If dInTens <= d, then the range is from d * 10 to d * 10 + d - 1. 
For d = 7, k = 13 -> tens = 13, dInTens = 6, the range is (70, 76), more precisely, 

range[0] = range[1] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + dInTens - 1;

so (75, 75)

If dInTens > d, then 

range[0] = range[1] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + dInTens - 2;

Because d* 10 + d takes 2 ds. 
For d = 7, k = 17 -> tens = 17, dInTens = 10, range (77, 77)

Now we have one more situation, where dInTens = 11, we are in the range ( d * 10 + 9, d * 10 + 9 + d). Because the next d will occur when the next single digit = d. 

range[0] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + 9;
range[1] = range[0] + d;

for d = 7, k = 18 -> tens = 18, dInTens = 11, range (79, 96)

I know the explanation looks tedious. Honestly I am also looking for a more concrete code. 

public class NumberOfPages {
 public static int[] pages(int d, int k) {
  if (d < 0 || k < 0)
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("pages must be non negative!");
  int[] range = new int[2];
  if (k == 0) {
   if (d == 1)
    range[0] = range[1] = 0;
   else {
    range[0] = 1;
    range[1] = d - 1;
   return range;
  //the number of hundreds of pages
  int hundreds = k / 20;
  if (d == 0) {
   hundreds = k > 9 ? ((k - 9) / 20) + 1 : 0;
  //the number of d's from 0 - 99 pages
  int tens = k % 20;
  if (tens == 0) {
   range[0] = (hundreds - 1) * 100 + 90 + d;
   range[1] = range[0] + 10 - 1;
  else if (tens - d  <= 0) {
   range[0] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 1) * 10 + d;
   //System.out.println("range[0]: " + range[0]);
   if (tens - d  == 0) 
    range[1] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 1) * 10 + 9;
    range[1] = range[0] + 10 - 1;
   //System.out.println("range[1]: " + range[1]);
  else {
   int dInTens = tens - d;
   if (dInTens > 11) {
    range[0] = hundreds * 100 + (tens - 11) * 10 + d;
    range[1] = range[0] + 10 - 1;
   else {
    if (dInTens <= d)
     range[0] = range[1] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + dInTens - 1;
    else if (dInTens == 11) {
     range[0] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + 9;
     range[1] = range[0] + d;
     range[0] = range[1] = hundreds * 100 + d * 10 + dInTens - 2;
  return range;

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  for (int k = 0; k <= 20; k++) {
   for (int i : pages(7, k))
    System.out.print(i + " ");
  for (int i : pages(7, 18))
   System.out.print(i + " ");


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