Friday, February 6, 2015

Find number of online users given a list of user's login and logout time

A period of time where users login and logout, given a sets of login and logout
time pairs, write a function that can show the number of users online at any given time
Using interval tree  to solve the problem.

public class findNumberOfUsers {
 private static class LogTime implements Comparable{
  int start;
  int end;
  LogTime(int start, int end) {
   if (end < start)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal input time interval");
   this.start = start;
   this.end = end;
  public boolean contains(int time) {
   return start <= time && end >= time;
  public int compareTo(LogTime timeInterval) {
   if (start < timeInterval.start)
    return -1;
   else if (start > timeInterval.start)
    return 1;
   else if (end < timeInterval.end)
    return -1;
   else if (end > timeInterval.end)
    return 1;
    return 0;
  public String toString() {
   return "[" + String.valueOf(start) + ", " + String.valueOf(end) + "]";
 private class Node {
  LogTime timeInt;
  V label;
  Node left, right;
  //int N;
  int max;
  Node (LogTime time, V label) {
   timeInt = time;
   this.label = label;
   this.max = time.end;
 private Node root;
  * find a LogTime
 public boolean contains(LogTime time) {
  return get(time) != null;
 public V get(LogTime time) {
  return get(root, time);
 private V get(Node node, LogTime time) {
  if (node == null)
   return null;
  int cmp = time.compareTo(node.timeInt);
  if (cmp == 0)
   return node.label;
  else if (cmp < 0) {
   return get(node.left, time);
  else {
   return get(node.right, time);
  * insertion
 public void put(LogTime time, V label) {
  if (contains(time)) {
   System.out.println("Node exists!");
  root = insert(root, time, label);
 private Node insert(Node node, LogTime time, V label) {
  if (node == null) {
   return new Node(time, label);
  int cmp = time.compareTo(node.timeInt);
  if (cmp < 0) 
    node.left = insert(node.left, time, label);
   node.right = insert(node.right, time, label);
  return node;
 private void fix(Node node) {
  if (node == null)
  node.max = max3(node.timeInt.end, max(node.left), max(node.right));
 private int max(Node node) {
  if (node == null)
   return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  return node.max;
 private int max3(int a, int b, int c) {
  return Math.max(a, Math.max(b, c));
  * given a time t, return number of users online
  * @param t
  * @return
 public int search(int t) {
  return search(root, t);
 private int search(Node node, int t) {
  if (node == null)
   return 0;
  int left = 0;
  int right = 0;
  int ro = 0;
  if (node.timeInt.contains(t))
   ro = 1;
  if (node.left != null && t < node.left.max)
   left = search(node.left, t);
  if (node.right != null && t  fu = new findNumberOfUsers ();
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
   int start = (int) (Math.random() * 100);
   int end = (int)(Math.random() * 50) + start;
   LogTime time = new LogTime(start, end);
   fu.put(time, String.valueOf(i));


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