Sunday, September 14, 2014

Algorithm questions will nearly always be from the following list by someone

  • String manipulation such as:
    • Reverse String
      • string.split(" ")
      • StringBuilder.append
      • remove the last " "
    • Count how many times each letter appears in a given String
      • charAt(i)
  • LinkedList questions such as:
    • How to remove a node, pay close attention to edge cases such as removing the head
    • How to reverse a linkedList (make the Tail the Head)
  • Binary Tree questions such as:
    • In-order traversal
    • If there is a BTree balancing question you won't need to implement it, just understand that a completely unbalanced Binary Tree is simply a Linked List.
    • Understand that searching a balanced Binary Tree is O(log n) compared to a Linked List or a completely unbalanced Binary Tree which is O(n).

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