Friday, October 24, 2014

How to define a good key?

Hash functions.

 If we have an array that can hold M key-value pairs, then we need a function that can transform any given key into an index into that array: an integer in the range [0, M-1]. We seek a hash function that is both easy to compute and uniformly distributes the keys.

  • Typical example. Suppose that we have an application where the keys are U.S. social security numbers. A social security number such as 123-45-6789 is a 9-digit number divided into three fields. The first field identifies the geographical area where the number was issued (for example number whose first field are 035 are from Rhode Island and numbers whose first field are 214 are from Maryland) and the other two fields identify the individual. There are a billion different social security numbers, but suppose that our application will need to process just a few hundred keys, so that we could use a hash table of size M = 1000. One possible approach to implementing a hash function is to use three digits from the key. Using three digits from the field on the right is likely to be preferable to using the three digits in the field on the left (since customers may not be equally dispersed over geographic areas), but a better approach is to use all nine digits to make an int value, then consider hash functions for integers, described next.
  • Positive integers. The most commonly used method for hashing integers is called modular hashing: we choose the array size M to be prime, and, for any positive integer key k, compute the remainder when dividing k by M. This function is very easy to compute (k % M, in Java), and is effective in dispersing the keys evenly between 0 and M-1.
  • Floating-point numbers. If the keys are real numbers between 0 and 1, we might just multiply by M and round off to the nearest integer to get an index between 0 and M-1. Although it is intuitive, this approach is defective because it gives more weight to the most significant bits of the keys; the least significant bits play no role. One way to address this situation is to use modular hashing on the binary representation of the key (this is what Java does).
  • Compound keys. If the key type has multiple integer fields, we can typically mix them together in the way just described for String values. For example, suppose that search keys are of type, which has three integer fields area (3-digit area code), exch (3-digit exchange), and ext (4-digit extension). In this case, we can compute the number 
    int hash = (((area * R + exch) % M) * R + ext) % M; 
  • Java conventions. Java helps us address the basic problem that every type of data needs a hash function by requiring that every data type must implement a method called hashCode() (which returns a 32-bit integer). The implementation of hashCode() for an object must be consistent with equals. That is, if a.equals(b) is true, then a.hashCode() must have the same numerical value as b.hashCode(). If the hashCode()values are the same, the objects may or may not be equal, and we must use equals() to decide which condition holds.
  • Converting a hashCode() to an array index. Since our goal is an array index, not a 32-bit integer, we combine hashCode() with modular hashing in our implementations to produce integers between 0 and M-1 as follows:
    private int hash(Key key) {
       return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % M;
  • Strings. Modular hashing works for long keys such as strings, too: we simply treat them as huge integers. For example, the code below computes a modular hash function for a String s, where R is a small prime integer (Java uses 31).
    int hash = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        hash = (R * hash + s.charAt(i)) % M;